أُمّتي قَدْ لاحَ فَجرٌ فَإرقُبي النصر المُبين O’My Ummah, a dawn is looming, so expect the clear victory
دَولةُ الإسلام قامَت بدِماء الصّادِقين The State of islam was erected with the blood of the truthful.
دَولةُ الإسلام قامَت بِجهاد المُتّقين The State of islam was erected with the Jihad of the righteous.
قدّموا الأرواح حَقّا بِثَباتٍ ويَقين They submitted the souls truly with steadfastness and conviction
لِيُقامَ الدّين فيها شَرعُ ربّ العالمين So the Deen is erected: the Shar’ of the lord of the people.
أمّتي فَإستَبْشري لا تَيأسي النّصْرُ قِريب Glad tidings O’Ummah, do not despair, victory is near
دَولةُ الإسلام قامَت وَبدا العزّ المَهيب The State of Islam is erected, and magnificent glory appeared
أشْرقَت ترسُم مجْدا وإنتهى عهْد الغُروب It shone painting a glory, and the era of darkness had ended
بِرجالٍ أوفِياءٍ لا يهابون الحروب With loyal men who do not fear the wars
صاغُوا مجْداً خالِداً لا لَيس يَفْنى أو يغيب They molded eternal glory, that does not perish or vanish
إمّتي الله مَولانا فَجودي بالدّماء My Ummah, Allah is our provider, so be generous giving blood
لنْ يعود النّصرُ إلّا بِدماء الشّهداء Victory will not return except with the blood of the martyrs
منْ مَضَوا يَرجونَ مَولاهم بدارِ الأنبياء Who advances (to Jihad and martyrdom) hope from their provider (Allah) (to reach) the abode of prophets
قَدّموا الأرواحَ لله وللدّين فِداء They offered the souls to Allah, and to the Deen (religion) as sacrifice
أهلُ بَذْلٍ وعَطايا أهلُ جودٍ وإباء People of sacrifice and giving, people of generosity and honor.
أمّتي فَإستَبْشري قَد أشْرَقت شَمْسُ الصّمود Glad tiding, O’Ummah the son of steadfastness has risen.
وَلَقد سِرنا جموعاً لِرُبى المَجْدُ التَّليد And we all walked in crowds, to raise the glorious honor.
لِنُعيد النّور والإيمانَ و العزَّ المَجيد So that we return the light and faith and the exalted honor
بِرجالٍ طَلّقوا الدُّنيا وفازوا بالخُلود With men who have divorced life and won eternity.
وأعادوا أمّةَ الأمجادَ والنّصْر الأكيد And they restored the Ummah of glories and the sure victory.
Arabic words:
ümmeti kadlehe fecrun furkibin nasral mubihi devletul islami kamet bidine is sadikihin ümmeti kadlehe fecrun furkibin nasral mubihi devletul islami kamet bidine is sadikihin devletul islami kamet bi jihadul muttakiyin gaddemul eraha hekk bi tebatin veyakihi devletul islami kamet bi jihadul muttakiyin gaddemul eraha hekk bi tebatin veyakihi
liyuka medinefihe şerri rabbil alemin
ummeti esteb şirile tey esin nasrukarihi devletul islami kamet va bedel ezul mehihim ummeti esteb şirile tey esin nasrukarihi devletul islami kamet va bedel ezul mehihim
eşrekat telsemu mecde ven tehe abdul guruhu bi ricel in abfuyal in le yehebu nel hüruhu eşrekat telsemu mecde ven tehe abdul guruhu bi ricel in abfuyal in le yehebu nel hüruhu
sabu mecde ne halidelle ley seyeb ne ayabyagin
ümmeti allahu mavle nevfecu dibid di mehe men yeu yen nesrehulle bi di me işşuhedehe ümmeti allahu mavle nevfecu dibid di mehe men yeu yen nesrehulle bi di me işşuhedehe
men madav yarcevru mavle hum bi de rel embiyehe gad demul erahalille hi velid dini fidehe men madav yarcevru mavle hum bi de rel embiyehe gad demul erahalille hi velid dini fidehe
eh lü bedrin vataya eh le cudin ve ibehe
ummeti esteb şiri kat eşrekat şemsül sümuhud valagatsir necur muan li rubel mecdid delihi ummeti esteb şiri kat eşrekat şemsül sümuhud valagatsir necur muan li rubel mecdid delihi
li nueydi nuravalli me nevel ezel mecihi bi ricelittallakutdun ya vafa zubil hüruhu li nueydi nuravalli me nevel ezel mecihi bi ricelittallakutdun ya vafa zubil hüruhu
vahe ede ümmetil em cedeven nasrallekihi
ümmeti kadlehe fecrun furkibin nasral mubihi devletul islami kamet bidine is sadikihin ümmeti kadlehe fecrun furkibin nasral mubihi devletul islami kamet bidine is sadikihin
Всю работу по поиску слов и редакции проделал сам Антон "Айс" Морозов. Скажите спасибо, моджахеды, блять.