Minecraft is a game of gods. I like it so much, that I would kill some kittens, then eat shEEt, go to the supermarket and play some "Call of duty: Ghosts", and then like Justin Bieber's song "Baby", only to get a diamond in this wonderful game Minecraft. Yes. Oh yes. It is perfect. Fuck GTA V, fuck Dishonored, fuck Need for speed Most Wanted. Minecraft. The best game ever. You bitch. Get rekt. 10 out of 10. Gotta drink some Mountain Dew and play codcraft. Such MLG. Para-pa-para. Minecraft-Minecraft-Minecraft-Minecraft-Minecraft. Minecraft. Oh, Minecraft. The Best of the best. I could even kill my dog Steve, only to get a copy of the version 0.0.1. Baby, oh yes. If I die and go to heaven, I would only play Minecraft. If I see a geeni and he gives me 1 wish, I would wish infinite time only to play Minecraft. Mine. Craft. Mine. Craft. Mine. Craft. Mine. Craft. Thats impressive as fuck. 17 out of 10. No. No. 100 out of 10. I... I have no words... It is... Perfect... Oh god... I am crying. That means that I'm going to play minecraft. Bye. Fuck you.