For the lord God omnipotent reigneth Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah For the lord God omnipotent reigneth Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah For the lord God omnipotent reigneth Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah (For the lord God omnipotent reigneth) Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
For the lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah) Hallelujah
The kingdom of this world; is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ and of His Christ
And He shall reign for ever and ever And he shall reign forever and ever And he shall reign forever and ever And he shall reign forever and ever
King of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah and lord of lords forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah King of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah and lord of lords forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah King of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah and lord of lords King of kings and lord of lords
And he shall reign And he shall reign And he shall reign He shall reign And he shall reign forever and ever
King of kings forever and ever and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah And he shall reign forever and ever
King of kings and lord of lords King of kings and lord of lords And he shall reign forever and ever
Forever and ever and ever and ever (King of kings and lord of lords)
Handel Messiah Hallelujah. Хор с оркестром. Гендель оратория ... Хор с симфоническим оркестром в баптистской церкви исполняет ораторию Генделя "Мессия" фрагмент "Аллилуйя" (Handel Messiah ...
Гендель - "Аллилуйя" из оратории "Мессия" Исп. сводный хор СМУ им. Шаталова рук. Побегай С.А. и Миронос Т.А. Дир. Побегай С.А. Концерт к 110-летию СМУ 12.12.12.
Гендель - Аллилуйя ... харьковской областной филармонии, художественный руководитель и главный дирижер - Юрий Янко. Академический хор имени Вяч.