我就是你们女生 最讨厌的那种人 I am the type of person that you girls hated the most 专门欺骗女人感情的臭男人 The jerk that always deceive women’ feelings 我就是那个家里 有了一个还嫌不够 I am the one that already have one in the house but still not enough 还在外头养了一个小女人 and kept a little woman outside
噢噢~噢噢~ Oh~ Oh~ 我就是你们所谓的不在乎天长地久 I am the one that do not care about forever 只在乎曾经拥有的臭男人 The jerk that only care about “had before” 我就是那个一三五会在家 I am the one that will stay home at Monday, Wednesday and Friday 二四六那还用说 Not to mention Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 而星期天是平静的渡过 And will peacefully go through Sunday
奇怪的是这世界 The weird thing in the world is 男人不坏女人不爱 Woman does not fancy the nice guy 要帅要体贴又要关怀 They want good looking, sensitive and caring 这种男人已不存在 This type of guy does not exist anymore 我就是那个让你不明白 I am the one that you do not understand 让你看不开让你好无奈 Make you lost direction and feel powerless 对了就是那个臭男孩 That is right. That Jerk. 让你叫天 天不理睬 Make you scream at the sky and sky will not care
我就是那个让你失去 让你心痛让你泪流 I am the one that will make you lose, heartbroken and cry 让你一生好痛恨的臭男人 The jerk that make you hate your whole life 我就是那个让你无法自拔 I am the one that make you could not help yourself 无法渴望无法预料 Impossible to hope for and unpredictable 一生痛恨的臭男人 The jerk that you hated the whole life