My voice never made it in time And they hung me out to dry My words never bother to rhyme And I always wonder why So now I've taken to chewing bottles To see if I still bleed
The king has to beg for his meals The times just get me down But I'm just a spoke in the wheel I'll always be around And now our plans are just like trash in the breeze They never stay afloat for long But I'll take my chances And shake the hands of those who think that they're still free That they're still free That they're still free That they're still free
Come on
Grab your torches It's time to burn this town Like men on porches No one will make a sound So find the pieces And build another one We always need it Because it's never done
It's all great I can't breathe anymore Still awake When my face hits the floor Spent the day Watching waves eat the shore I can't stay No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore No one sings anymore
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Человек-монстр убивает бутылку! Человек-монстр убивает бутылку! ... Холопов А.В. Влияние музыки на психофизиологию человека #3 - Duration: 2:33:41. by insight ...