I have best attitude to the prostitutes They make you feel fine they make you feel good I have best attitude to the prostitutes They easily lift up your mood I have best attitude to the prostitutes They make you love and something more I have best attitude to the prostitutes With them you will never be bored
Пр: You call them the harlots you call them the whores But look in the matter and you'll find out some more They came from the surburbs full of intense To enter some colledge but there was no chance
I have best attitude to the prostitutes They hate the police as well as me The police takes all their money, killing their chances for better life and BEING free
I have best attitude to the prostitutes Maybe they don't have the life they want. But I know They've got a fate they will start a new one, while you only have superstitioNs quotas
пр: They need to do something to stay in the town Forgetting wishes and breaking their crouns Needless to anyone and all they could do was selling their bodies to me and to you
пр life is so different life is so difficult They are who makes it more optimistically Hour for good times, two for some more You can make it hard, you can make it slow
She gets the payment you get your redress She hasn't steal something she did all her best What can you now when you are satisfied Can prostitution ba called a crime?