Cartman: WEEELL Kyle mom's a bitch she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world she's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls!
Cartman: On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, on Wensday though Saturday she's a bitch, then on Sunday just to be different she's a super King Kamehameha beeeotch!
Cartman: Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world she's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a stupid bitch! Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch!
Cartman: Talk to kids around the world and it might go a little bit somethin' like this
Cartman: Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world she's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair, she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Матершиная Песня Картмана о маме Кайла ржаааач)).m Матершиная Песня Картмана о маме Кайла ржаааач)).m .... Топ 10 розыгрышей Эрика Картмана - Южный парк | South Park ...
Эрик Картман поет песню Леди Гага +Эрик Картман √ - (Типа галочка) я не сука я кабель хочешь ротиком ... Матершиная Песня Картмана о маме Кайла ржаааач)).m ...
Клип про Эрика Картмана Клип про Эрика Картмана .... классный клип ) обожаю Эрика .... Матершиная Песня Картмана о маме Кайла ржаааач)).m - Duration: 1:38.