Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 02. Compassion (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Invocation
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 09. Prosperity (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 03. Purification (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 01. Invocation (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 06.Белая Тара. мудрость
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks - Праджня-парамита Сутра сердца
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - Healing: Teyata Om Bekanze Bekanze Mahabekanze Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Buddha (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Compassion
ॐ Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Healing (мантра исцеления)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - Purification (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 05. White Tara (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 07. Wisdom (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 04. Buddha (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
16 day Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Healing
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 08. Healing (Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Wisdom (мудрость)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 8 - Healing (Исцеление)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Мантра Белой Таре
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - Perfection: Teyata Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - White Tara: Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Mama Ah Yuh Pune Jana Putim Kuru Soha
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - 2 - Compassion (Сострадание)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Om Tare Tuttare Ture
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - Purification-ОЧИЩЕНИЕ(Om Benza Satto Hung- Ом Бенза Сатто Хунг)
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Мантра Будды Шакьямуни [Ом муни муни маха муни сууха]
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet "Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times" - 7. WISDOM.
Мантра Великого знания. Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet - Perfection