Elijah's Mantle - Litanies of Satan
Elijah's Mantle - Love's Philosophy by P.B. Shelley
Elijah's Mantle - Love's Philosophy(percy bysshe Shelley)
Ozymandias & Elijah's Mantle - Love's Philosophy
Ozymandias (piano), Elijah's Mantle (voice) - Kubla-Khan
Elijah's Mantle - Lamentations in Praise / Wise Words Of Eve
Elijah's Mantle - Night in Hell (Артюр Рембо)
Elijah's Mantle - Hymn to Beauty(Baudelaire)
Elijah's Mantle - Tellus Mater
Elijah's Mantle - Ozymandias by P.B. Shelley
Elijah's Mantle - Lamentations in Praise
Elijah's Mantle - Love's Philosophy
Elijah's Mantle - Love's Philosophy by P.B. Shelley
Elijah's Mantle - Corrupted ideal. Anointed vessel.
Elijah's Mantle - Sonnet On Chillon by Lord Byron
Elijah's Mantle - A Fragment By Lord Byron
Elijah's Mantle - Spleen (Verlaine) | The Vampire (Baudelaire)