I have destroyed myself once more sipping the rivers of rot
Duality has cast me aside there is an avalanche awaiting I shall indulge and erupt upon this world essence of reprise I have become what I despise
I have destroyed myself again I am perverse and obedient to the negligence challenging virtue and vigor To amalgamate the damned to live as a fallen king growing old of divinity as the evil ripened from within never releasing, calling forth mindlessly obey embracing dismay never releasing, calling forth subliminal reverberation echoes through eternity wave after wave of futile effort
I have forsaken my fallacy reaping the earthbound revelry
reaping the earthbound revelry I foresee clarity penance and despair justify glorious reparation transcend I am my savior at peace with sovereignty
I am defeated, yet I have won I am my own worst enemy I am a slave to the intoxicant I am a servant of gold I am a thrall of mockery I am the master of my soul