Al-Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim / القول قول الصوارم / The word is the word of the sword (Jihad Nasheed)
The word is the word of the sword Until the wrongs are righted. The despicable ones have even wronged The Messenger of the people of strong will Our sanctuaries would not have been desecrated Had the lions surrounded them The filthiest of bandits has attacked us So where are the swords?
They have forgotten we are the defiant ones Who defend like lions. We are those who trampled with our steeds The thrones of the empires.
We are those who built our forts Out of our skulls Which we brought from the land of the tyrant By force and on top of the booty. Our messenger is the one who made us Noble builders of Glory. Our Messenger is the sun of truth Who lit the face of the world.
He lit the lamp of a night Black from misguidance And created from a few people A generation coming from the dawn. So they destroyed the head of aggression And humiliated every oppressor. War against every oppressor And peace for every peaceful one.
We are those who built our forts Out of our skulls Which we brought from the land of the tyrant By force and on top of the booty. Our messenger is the one who made us Noble builders of Glory. Our Messenger is the sun of truth Who lit the face of the world.
He lit the lamp of a night Black from misguidance And created from a few people A generation coming from the dawn So they destroyed the head of aggression And humiliated every oppressor. War against every oppressor And peace for every peaceful one.
..:: الـقـــول قـول الصـــوارم ::..
القول قول الصوارم .. كي تسترَّد المظالم حتى الأراذل ساموا .. رسول أهل العزائم ما دنَّسوا لِحِمانا .. لو طوَّقته الضراغم حُثالة البغي صالت .. فأين عهد الحواسم نسُوا بأنَّا أُباة .. نذود ذود القشاعم نحن الذين وطئنا .. بالخيل عرش الأعاجم نحن الذين بنينا .. حُصوننا من جماجم سُقنا حليلات كِسرى .. بالسوط سوط الغنائم رسولنا من صنعنا .. بُناة مجد أكارم رسولنا شمس حق .. أضاء وجه العوالم أنار مشكاة لي