Bright, my little bluesboy you smile too much let's see a nice frown don't touch so much
he made it look fun what's done is done I am so stupid you are so young and still i'd have to say that now and then i'd cry to see your smile
still I have no reason I have no rhyme i'm out of your time you're out of town a difference not in years but in the distance from a place that I look through
you cried for me twice and I have hope, but not enough, no not enough no not so little that i'd dare to tie the rope
she lied for you twice she doesn't like me I understand but she isn't nice
and I sat by the window you wrote a story you think i'm evil I hope you're wrong and still i felt a spark when it's implied that I had been a good thing once
i'm still dumb but you're still young, but not enough, no not enough no not so old that you could realize what you've done