never conquer the power to abandon power. build the dictatorship without thought to save the revolution. make the revolution for dictatorship. i understand "how", don't understand "why". the purpose of repression - repression. the purpose of each torture - torture. the purpose of our authorities - authority. do you understand me now? the masses are chicken-hearted weak creatures. they can't stand any liberty, can 't look into the face of truth. they must be ruled by one who is stronger. he who is stronger must lie to the rest, who is weak. the people have right to be free or happy. the majority chooses happiness. we will deprive all newborn of their mother. we will destroy libido. we will destroy all orgasms. this drama, which i played for you for ten years, will be played once again and once again. the purpose of repression - repression. the purpose of each torture - torture. the purpose of our authorities - authority. do you understand me now? from victory to victory, from triumph to triumph. tickle, tickle, tickle the nerve of authorities. three persons are enough for creating revolution.