I came to destroy I came to end this game To bend the decoy frame. This corporation nation it befriends to no outsider. So as you wait a pay increase I be the great divider. As we decease away with the spider, the web you so enjoy, I came. To ebb to annoy to destroy inflame. To unclog the cog to add cognition it had to get worser. The worker without ambition the without a mission youth, it truth It equals hot cement and rot its a lot like a sequel . One can prophecy a violent uproot from the poverty begot to a peoples It is the destiny of every bridge invariable bondage ensues . The issues in construction cues destruction face it , replace it. I have this avid anarchistic bug no habit or narcissistic drug can debug me from my passion. My enemy must slug me, my energy will still remain. If evolution or creation was pain before or after a great crafter stakes a claim there was war devastation. Not there were prone to devastation alone, Ive seen creation spring when things go wrong balance. But what I see is this ill imbalance it seems . This must be stripped ripped from the seems.
Things can change but we will never destroy this , That's like destroying our ego where do we go from then. Can rearrange but were accustomed to disdain. The custom of these chains we cant imagine change . Destroy This more can exist, but the imagination is chains so this brain is forced to reminisce.
Take this to peaces with ease, replace every trace with another. Smother, for peace even peace must be lost further caprice thus chaos. Take these bits relics freeze orbits reverse cycles. Every structure disperse to bitty trifles so the city ruptures Reeking with chaos . You thinking um evil for preaching upheaval untrue , make... No retrieval able forsake all undo into squall, unstable it will fall,
You save your memories on file never to be duplicated its complicated. The memories you compile engrave let them be. Will never be the same sever set them free
This bridge is so old its time to fold destroy it ...