hikaru umi ni kasumu funewha sayonara no kiteki nokoshimasu yurui saka o orite yukeba natsu iro no kaze ni aeru kashira watashi no ai sore wa merodī takaku hikuku utau no watashi no ai sore wa kamome takaku hikuku tobu no yuuhi no naka yonde mitara yasashii anata ni aeru kashira
dare ka ga hiku piano no oto uminari mitai ni kikoemasu osoi gogo o yuki kau hito natsu iro no yume o hakobu kashira watashi no ai sore wa daiarī hibi no pēji tsuzuru no watashi no ai sore wa kobune sora no umi o yuku no yuuhi no naka furikaereba anata wa watashi o sagasu kashira
sanpomichi ni yureru kigi wa sayonara no kage o otoshimasu furui chaperu kazami no tori natsu iro no machi wa mieru kashira kinou no ai sore wa namida yagate kawaki kieru no ashita no ai sore wa rufuran owari no nai kotoba yuuhi no naka meguriaeba anata wa watashi o daku kashira mugendai
A ship veiled in the shining sea leaves behind the steam of good-bye If I went down that loose hill, would I meet the summer coloured wind My love is a melody which I sing high and low My love is a seagull that flies high and low If I tried to call out in the sunset, I wonder if I'd encounter the gentle you
The sound of a piano that somebody plays very much resembles the rumbling of the sea Do the people who come and go late in the afternoon carry a summer coloured dream too? My love is a diary that spells the pages of my life My love is a boat that goes throughout the empty sea If I looked back in the sunset, I wonder if you'd be looking for me
On the promenade shaking trees cast shadows of good-bye Can the old chapel and chicken weather vane be seen in the summer coloured town Yesterday's love is nothing more but tears they will soon dry out and disappear Tomorrow's love is a mere refrain - words that have no end If we met by chance in the sunset, I wonder if you'd embrace me.