__________-----_______-----_________-----_____-- 1 Sing ye of the goddess, the most fearsome of the gods, 2 Praise be upon the lady ruler of men, the greatest of the Igigi! 3 Sing ye of Ishtar, the most fearsome of the gods, 4 Praise be upon the lady ruler of women, the greatest of the Igigi! 5 She who gets excited, clothed in sex appeal, 6 adorned with fruits, charm and allure. 7 Ishtar, who gets excited, clothed in sex appeal, 8 adorned with fruits, charm and allure. 9 She is sweet at the lips, her mouth is life, 10 Delights are lush on her cheeks, 11 She is lovely, beads are strewn on her head, 12 Her cheeks are comely, her eyes twinkle and sparkle. 13 The pure one, with her rests counsel, 14 She holds in her hand the fate of anything you care to name, 15 Seeing her makes for happiness, 16 Pride, splendour, protective spirit male and female. 17 Of love-making, seduction, making love, pleasure 18 and harmony, she is the lady ruler. 19 The girl who was exposed will get a mother, 20 She will mention her among the people, speak her name. 21 Who can rival any of her glory? 22 her powers are mighty, exalted and manifest. 23 Ishtar, who can rival her glory? 24 her powers are mighty, exalted and manifest. 25 .... among the gods, her standing is huge, 26 Her word is mighty, she has power over them. 27 Ishtar among the gods, her standing is huge, 28 Her word is mighty, she has power over them. 29 They are always getting their queen to impart orders, 30 All of them bow down before her, 31 They take her luminous insignia from her, 32 Woman and man hold her in fear. 33 To all of them together her speech is noble (and) exalted, 34 Among them she sits, equal to Anu their king, 35 She is wise in understanding, shrewdness and comprehension, 36 She and her husband confer. 37 The have sat down on the dais together, 38 In Gēgunnu, (their) delightful dwelling, 39 The gods stand before them, 40 Awaiting her bidding. 41 The king, their favourite, the beloved of their hearts, 42 Makes his pure sacrifice before them in splendour. 43 *In their presence, Ammiditana with his own hands 44 *Made pure offerings aplenty of bulls and fattened deer. 45 From Anum, her bridegroom, she has demanded for him 46 a long life forever. 47 Many years of life to Ammiditana 48 Ishtar has granted and given. 49 By her command she has made bow down 50 At his feet the four corners of the earth, 51 And all the orb of the earth 52 She has bound to his yoke. 53 Her heart's desire, the song of her praise, 54 is fitting for his mouth, her has obeyed a command of Ea. 55 "I have heard her eulogy" (said Ea), and he was delighted with it. 56 "May her king live" (he said), "may she love him forever!". 57 O Ishtar, upon Ammiditāna, the king who loves you, 58 bestow a long life for ever more! May he live!