What changes will occur from our departure Will we fall or will we conquer How will we benefit from this Will we fall or will we conquer How will we benefit from our departure
One thing lead to another It’s all happening so fast Yesterday it all meant nothing And today it means everything It all feels like a dream It has always felt like a dream
Determination for a different destination We decided on change We create our own roads And we make our own paths WE DECIDE ON CHANGE!
An external adaption to our surroundings Internally bound to no difference
This is what we have done We are in this for the long run
This feels like a dream This feels like a dream
We are in this for the long run We are in this We are in this
One thing lead to another It’s all happening so fast Yesterday it all meant nothing And today it means everything It all feels like a dream It has always felt like a dream
This is physical to us and everything around me And we won’t fall A better chance beyond the horizon And we will conquer