well congratulations you made it one more year but the only thing that's grown is the list of all your fears spent the whole year unhappy never made your mom proud dropped school like its one of your problems spent all your time chasing clouds
yeah congratulations didn't spend a day clean tried to burn down the whole town with matches and gasoline can't even look at your family spend your whole life trapped in bed get bullied by the voices in your head that wish that you were dead
happy birthday happy birthday to me
your lack of motivation your life is such a mess who are we trying to fool kid, you're worthless so don't even bother run your face under the sink climb into the oven then go out for a drink
oh congratulations are you happy where you are eat more pills and sleep it off that will get rid of your scars but don't even worry we can still have fun its not a suicide note its an apology with repercussions
happy birthday credits from 19, released 28 May 2012