Wolves of the sea are on the hunt wind and rain lash the stormy sea brown robes terrified of odins wraith cowering inside the monastery dragon prows beach upon the shore prepared to plunder the wealth in their hearts of their foe none shall survive.
Attacking those of an alien creed gone too far to turn the other cheek priests stole the heritage of aryan man so the earth shall inherit the meek tithed the farmers, converted their kings for naught but their dominions sake noble people bound in Christian chains pagans bore flames at the stake.
How do you deal with insidious enemy theiving, subverting with religious zeal do you make treaties with a mealy mothed foe or strike in anger with fire an steel hanged and speared in the name of White gods carved blood eagles on the servants of christ feared not their power of wraith of their lords all destined meat of the sacrifice.
By the great spear of Odin by the sharp sword of Tyr churches falling to the flames as monks tremble in fear warriors swear an oath by the hammer of mighty Thor pagan men shall rise again declare the holy war.