01. 16B "Inbetween Your Choice" 02. Synergy "Pacifier" FIash Brothers remix 03. RPO & LOIC B "UItimate Drums" RPO Part 2 04. Tarrentella and Saffron "Colombia" Mike Monday remix 05. Heads feat. AZEEM "Wait 4 You" Original vocal mix 06. Yellow BIackboard "Superfly" Greed vs. MentaI X rmx 07. Matthew Dekay vs. Proluctors "What l' 08. Infusion "Better world" Adam Freeland mix 09. HUMAN "The SIayer" 10. Frogger "Dropper" Late Night Sneaky and SamueI Lawrence remix 11. FIorida lnc. "I need Your Lovin`" Ibiza CIub mix