Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it with some vodka Don't worry, be ruski In every game we have some noobs But sometimes we meet fake boobs Don't worry, be ruski Don't worry, be ruski Don't worry, be ruski Don't worry, be ruski Ain't got no skill to shoot in the head Somebody came and took your dead Don't worry, be ruski The kid in your team say you're stupid While he's fuckin dying mid Don't worry, be ruski Look at me, I'm ruski Don't worry be ruski Hey I'll give you my steam id, when you worry add me Don't worry be ruski Ain't got no cash, ain't got no skins Ain't got no knife to make you smile But don't worry, be ruski Cause when you worry your team get pwn And that will bring your rank so down So don't worry, be ruski Don't worry, be ruski now Don't worry, be ruski don't worry, be ruski don't worry, be ruski don't worry, be ruski Put a P90 in your hands Don't bring your team down like this Don't worry, you will soon rank up to global elite I don't worry I'm ruski