(Tribute ...an hommage to Falkenbach Pt. 2) Vanadis
Eluveitie - [...An Hommage to Falkenbach] Vanadis
2006 Folk/Black Metal
Mounted men, with axe and shield on their ride through shallow field See your sons oh Vanadis Light my ways oh Manalihs...
Freyas Val Woutans half
Oaken woods as dark as night Home of those of heathen pride Grant me strength oh Asynja Be my guide oh Valfreya
Freyas Val Vingolfs's pride
Herjan!!! When the moon shines bright from the dark black sky We raise our swords to thy hail when the runes are thrown and the ravens fly as a sign of our heathens prevail
While the morning breaks through Tenkterian wood while the sun sets the shores aflame There is one thing only which never dies The honour of thy name Foraan!!!
By my side my brothers fall Now on their way to Freya's hall We are yours oh Vanadis Guide their ways oh Manalihs
Hjer Foraan Tenkteriar
Herjan!!! While twilight covers the blood red skies While the sun sets the shores aflame There is one thing only which never dies The honour of thy name
When time draws near for the chosen ones To fall on the blood stained fields Then death will grant us a place amongst Our fathers in the halls of bronzen shields
A burning flame as blue as ice Now I can see it in your eyes Be my fate oh Vanadis Through the nights oh Manalihs...