Ba dheas an lá go oíche Na glórtha binne i mo thaobh 'S aoibhneas i gach áit gan gruaim Áthas ar mo chroí go deo He-a-ro He-a-o-ro
Ma shiúlaim ó na laetha beo An ghrian 's an ghealach ar mo chúl Nil uaim ach smaointe ó mo shaoil Deora ar mo chroí go brón He-a-ro He-a-ro He-a-o-ro
Translation Tears On My Heart
It was beautiful all day The sweet voices by my side And beauty without dispair everywhere
Joy in my heart forever He-a-ro He-a-o-ro
If I walk from the alive days The sun and the moon behind me I'll only need thoughts from my life Tears sorrowfully on my heart He-a-ro He-a-ro He-a-o-ro