If one day you leave me out of the blue and go away on a trip leaving me alone once again I'll tell the night to stay with me I'll tell the wind to sing until dawn a song from my beloved's land why are you leaving me alone?
If you forget me and leave my embrace I'll become a sea bird released in the grip of the waves I'll hush my heart to silence I'll urge the wind to sing until dawn a song from my beloved's land where I won't be left alone If one day your name rings in my ear again If one day your name captures me again I'll urge my heart not to fret so I can soothe the pain but the pain takes over my body so I can sing for you again
If you desire me once again as your lover like in the old days when we sat until dawn your heart ought to gain colour and a tune again ought to get the colour of a land where I won't be left alone again
If you want to stay with me come back while we're still young and still have skin coverin my bones Don't leave my heart alone Let colour into my darkness and give my night a tune give me the colour of that land where I won't be left alone again
اگه يه روز بري سفر ... بري زپيشم بي خبر اسير روياها مي شم ... دوباره باز تنهامي شم به شب مي گم پيشم بمونه ... به باد مي گم تا صبح بخونه بخونه از ديار ياري ... چرا مي ري تنهام مي ذاري اگه فراموشم کني ... ترک آغوشم کني پرنده دريا مي شم ... تو چنگ موج رها مي شم به دل مي گم خواموش بمونه ... ميرم که هر کسي بدونه مي رم به سوي اون دياري ... که توش من رو تنها نذاري
اگه يه روزي نوم تو تو گوش من صدا کنه دوباره باز غمت بياد که منُو مبتلا کنه به دل مي گم کاريش نباشه ... بذاره درد تو دوا شه بره توي تموم جونم ... که باز برات آواز ب