There's never been a time in my life When I felt I needed to look into his eyes Followers, not leaders, cancerous parasites To this man, this one, this fake, all lies
Putting your faith in the invisible A god no one knows, a god no one sees No truth in the book, no meaning in the word It has all never made any sense to me
Your light is flickering Your faith is dying The fear is showing So hard to see
A fantasy, a dream, a mirage for the ages Compound the lies while ignoring the truth He is no lord, no saviour to the world A crippled, impotent god of betrayal
Around you I see factions based on "morality" Forcing beliefs upon those led astray Leave me behind from your faithless terrorism Religious hostility hidden deep in society
I can't see you, I can't hear you, I can't feel you Deep inside my soul I can see the apprehension you feel Wearing it like you wear your cross