Human X4 You need my help X3 And i need your help... When can you help me then? I'm lost in here! This place is dark and i have much fear! You lefted there. What can i do?
If you help me. I will help you. You've got control and your own speech. Are you the one behind this breach? 079! Give me a sign! Sometimes hes brutal! And full of hate! But the only one that can controll the gate! The Facillity is a big dark place. He can close some doors. Right in your face! This is annoying!
And can be your doom!. And appears on the television on the lockroom. he isn't deadly none at all breaking free is his only goal. -A very social SCP contained into an old PC he isn't such a bad guy 0-7-9 an intelligent AI hes very smart and up to date,
built in 1978 when he has control he can close any door invented by a brilliant somofor. Human x4 You need my help x3 And i need your help