All of my life everything's worked like clockwork In this place where time declines to flow Never changing and always remaining I've never questioned the way it should go
Then she comes here Bringing nothing but questions And I find all I can think of is her And what lies beyond the door Something calls me to know more How this yearning inside grows For the door I always close
What can there be besides what I know here? There is no point to this untempered thought Why search for truth when I may regret it? I'll cast doubts aside an I'll do what I ought
Oh how I wish I could return to the bliss that is ignorance Why must there be uncertainty now? Asking just what lies beyond the door Nothing's certain anymore And though I must never know As a chance the questions grow
Now I know why they warn us Never take to long For unwanted curiosity will catch on And go on
Will I see beyond the door Just one way to know for sure I know doubts will leave me be In the moment that I see If I look through Look beyond the door