Bir ince pusudayım (I am in a delicate ambush) Yolumun üstü engerek (Viper on my way) Bir garip akşamdayım (I am in a strange evening) Sırtımı gözler tüfek (Guns watch for my back)
Ben senin sokağına ulaşamam, dardayım (I can't reach your street, I'm on a hard time) O mazlum gözlerine bakamam, firardayım (I can't look into those aggrieved eyes of yours, I'm on the getaway)
Oysa ben bu gece yüreğim elimde (Whereas, tonight, my heart on my hand) Sana bir sırrımı söyleyecektim (I was going to tell you one secret of mine) O mermi içimi delmeseydi eğer (If that bullet wouldn't pierce a hole inside of me) Seni alıp götürecektim (I was going to take you away)
Beni vur, beni onlara verme (Shoot me, don't give me to them) Külüm al, uzak yollara savur (Take my ashes, scatter to the far roads) Dağılsın dağlara, dağılsın sevdamız (Let, it will strew to the mountains, our love will strew) Ama sen, ağlama dur (But you, don't cry, stop)
Beni vur, beni onlara verme (Shoot me, don't give me to them) Külüm al, uzak yollara savur (Take my ashes, scatter to the far roads) Dağılsın dağlara, dağılsın sevdamız (Let, it will strew to the mountains, our love will strew) Ama sen ağlama dur. (But don't cry, stop.)
Bir ince pusudayım (I am in a delicate ambush) Bu gece zehir zemberek (The poison spring tonight) Bir yolun sonundayım ( I am at the end of a road) Sessizce tükenerek (As die out silently)
Aah, senin ellerine uzanamam yerdeyim (Aah, I can't reach to your hands, caused by far place) O masum hayallere varamam ölmekteyim (I can't arrive to those innocent dreams, I am dying)
Oysa ben bu gece yüreğim elimde (Whereas, tonight, my heart on my hand) Sana bir sırrımı söyleyecektim (I was going to tell you one secret of mine) O mermi içimi delmeseydi eğer (If that bullet wouldn't pierce a hole inside of me) Seni alıp götürecektim (I was going to take you away)
Beni vur, beni onlara verme (Shoot me, don't give me to them) Külüm al, uzak yollara savur (Take my ashes, scatter to the far roads) Dağılsın dağlara, dağılsın sevdamız (Let, it will strew to the mountains, our love will strew) Ama sen ağlama dur. (But don't cry, stop.)
Beni vur, beni onlara verme (Shoot me, don't give me to them) Külüm al, uzak yollara savur (Take my ashes, scatter to the far roads) Dağılsın dağlara, dağılsın sevdamız (Let, it will strew to the mountains, our love will strew) Ama sen ağlama dur. (But don't cry, stop.)