We thought it over for a century or two. Considered all in light of such short history. Would you let them loose upon the stars? Bring their dark and murky waters to lap on pristine shores? Fine in their own place and with their own destiny to follow. But - breeding like rabbits on other worlds and with other calmer spirits?
Per errationes ad astra? Then dream, dream on. The dream is all. All good sense gone.
Neil, Buzz, and Michael, they made a team. The right stuff in a can of spam. The brave adventure came to nought, cruel economics had their say. A tiny bubble of pure white light from mighty engines roared on Pad 39A in the night. Orbiters and Soyuz towered on stacks of Lox and hydrogen. But what a little squib, a little firework in the cosmic crash of fiery fusion as far galaxies collide: drowned in the vastness of all we see and, still, can only just imagine.
Let's not worry about the wandering man. He'll wander hither if he can. But his time may have already come. And gone.