Lyrics: (Thanks 1BlueRozez1 for the AWESOME idea) Wow thats a full Rainboom, all the way! Sonic Rainboom, OHMAIGAWD Sonic Rainboom! It's a Sonic Rainboom all the way! Yay~ It's a Sonic Rainboom all the way! Woo Hoo~ You Rock! What does it mean? It's SO BRIGHT AND SO VIVID! Sonic Rainboom, SOnic Rainboom. ITS SO AWESOME! What does it mean? I's starting to look 20% cooler, Thats a whole Rainboom now WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW~
Sonic Rainboom all the way across the sky! YEEEEEEEEEA! IT SO AWESOME! Sonic Rainboom all the way across the sky, Oh wow, wow oh my gawd, Look at DAT PONY