Shat into existence, cursed seed beneath the sun Placed upon a sinking path, grieved and set upon And as we grow together, I begin to carve my rites Of solitary inching through cyclopean might
A world unbridled in its horror In this doomed nativity
Roots take hold in soil steeped in darkest disappointment Pushing, ever pushing 'neath decaying green and innocence Stunted growth by broken promise Friendship grieved by Judas kiss A blade in twisted hand To cut through Gordian heart
A world unbridled in its horror In this doomed nativity Sacrificial son so fragile Of melancholic proclivity
Beneath the rising sun, the blossoms fade to brown Brute forced down choiceless path, the dreams are hammered down Face first to graveled soil, scars nailed into the ground
Tainted memory, the proof creeping beneath the earth The seed of sorrow imprint, internalize what has been learnt Lessons immemorial of hollow virtue and the hurt The powder keg is planted, the fuse now set to burn