You stood simply regal, all shadow and ire, More distance between us than that of the fire. For difference is wrong and I’m different from you, And you’ll crush what you can’t understand.
You’ve taught me that sheltered we’re destined to stay; You claim that it’s right we should cower this way. For Man must never question what Nature has planned. You said it was all by God’s Hand.
(chorus) And we’re all in the hands now of God — From here on, mere mortals have failed. No matter the cost or the cause, The strength of the Lord must prevail. He shows us the wrong and the right, Forbids us to speak and forbids us to fight, Protects us from Dangers Aprowl through the night, For we’re all in the hands now of God, Now of God. We’re all in the hands now of God.
We’re just two-legged rabbits, hid safe underground, Afraid to admit that we’ve long since been found. If we ignore death, it just might go away And leave us back where we began.
Just deny any questions outside a small range; Feel safe all our lives, for our lives cannot change; We’ll be told if it matters that we understand, And be led to the end by God’s Hand.
So behold here the triumph God’s wisdom has won — Behold here the damage that can’t be undone! Stagnation is good, and we’re good to the core While faith rots us like salt rots the land.
If your God helps the helpless, may He help you all well. I am bound for the Outside to find my own hell. If defiance means death, I would die before stand Like a sheep to be thrown to God’s Hand.
But we’re all in the hands now of God — From here on mere mortals have failed. No matter the cost or the cause, The strength of the Lord must prevail. He shows us the wrong and the right, Forbids us to speak and forbids us to fight. But I’ll no longer run from the sounds in the night. Leave it all in the hands now of God, now of God. We’re all in the hands now of God.