gimmi gimmi gimmi gimmi gimmi chili chili chili chili chili licki licki licki licki licki chickngetnbicki bicky bicky at your honrey in bombey i need some moot food from holly wood my racha food is verry good but your indian food is sonna sku it burns burns burns it can carry it so hot it burns burns burns burns burns like fire oh my god!! it burns burns burns that frinkin frink that it will stop it burns burns burns a mousen tomorow in my but!!
gimmi gimmi gimmi gimmi chili chili chili chili licki licky licky licki licki chickngetnbicki bicky bicky on the next day of my holiday it was the glory on the little doory ca guta food it smells good it stop me for the dury screw it burns burns burns it can carry its so hot it burns burns burns burns like fire oh my god!!! it burns burns burns that frinkin frink that it will stop it burns burns burns a mousen tomorow in my but!!
it burns burns burns smells like fire oh my god!!!!! it burns burns burns in my mousen tomorow in my but! it burns burns burns it can carry its so hot!! it burns burns burns burns like fire oh my god! it burns burns burns that frinkin frink that it will stop it burns burns burns a mousen tomorow in my but!! lyke IT!!!!!!!