Secret Lover [NEW 2O11] (Скачать - Records 2011)
Open your door, la- la- la- lady-cat -cat, let me in, giiiirl...this is a, this is a Luv Attack. I'm here tonight (Oh) cuz you called me, and your boyfrend's somewhere, you don't want him. You want me, you want me, you want me, you want me right here - right now. i fell in love with yo body but not with you, babe - babe i don't want it!
tik tik tik tak - tak, time has come! It's passion! Pleasure (pom pom) is so fresh (pom pom) moon light is so blue as we like... incredible You want me, you want me, you want me, you want me right here... Love rocking! i fell in love with yo body but not with you... Oops! It's your boyfriend's knocking!
i don't wanna fall in love with you.... cuz i know you'll break my heart so soon