Here im drving down the road and theres a truck im going to flip him off. There comes a tollboth let me move my hands so i can pull down my window
Du dun dun dun!
Tollbooth: I need exact change only Driver: Here's five buuuucks Tollbooth: I said exact change only Driver: Here's fifty bucks Tollbooth: What part of exact change don't you understand Driver: Well fuck you guy... Tollbooth: I'm gonna call the cops on your ass- Driver: I'll fuck ya in the face!
im still driving down the road and there's another fucking truck im goign to flip it again
what another tollbooth this is getting old im going to roll my window.
Tollbooth: I still need exact change only Driver: Well here's five buuuuucks Tollbooth: I said exact change only Driver: Fifty bucks! Tollbooth: Get out your damn quarters already Driver: Well fuck you dude... Tollbooth: I'm gonna call 'em up again Driver: Well, fuck ya in the face!
I'm still driving down the road, And that damn semi just hit my front fender! Fly the bird! What, another tollbooth?! This is gettin' stupid I'm gonna take care of this
Tollbooth: Blah bl-bl-blah bl-blah bl-blah blah whatever Driver: here's five buuuucks Tollbooth: Blah blah BLAH bl-blah b-blah blah blah Driver: Here's fifty bucks, shut up! Tollbooth: Blah bl-blah blah bl-blah b-blah blah Driver: Well fuck your eeeeyes... Tollbooth: Bam withca bam b'dam b'dam dam dam IN THE FACE!
I, can't still believe I'm on this road But here comes a truck, And I'm flipping it off again, d'dun dun dun WHAT, another tollbooth?! Dammit, damn damn d'damn damn...
Tollbooth: Aaaaaaaah've reported you already Driver: Well here's five buuuucks... Tollbooth: I don't take bribes from your kind Driver: Well fifty bucks Tollbooth: Your ass, is so screwed Driver: Well fuck you dude... Tollbooth: I'm calling 'em up right now Driver: Well fuck your face!