Playing a role of a superstar I have got to think that I was what they were waiting for Until the end of the show time I was not giving up dancing cause I thought that everyone wanted me to
Everyone regarded me as more than what I really am and I took it for granted cause I've never thought that I was a puppet But one day someone saw me and said, "hey look, her legs look like pig's ones" "Something's strange... I must break away from this circus."
Playing a role of a superstar They never knew that I was just a pig but didn't stop shouting for joy There's too many contradictions / we were completely taken in Doesn't someone else notice this?
誰一人として気付かず 揺らす心 誰一人も指摘しない 俺はピエロ ゆらゆらと揺れるデクの棒 芯無し 身無し ヤマありオチありイミなし You all drop in dead
What did I believe in? Who did like me at the show? Who did write the playbook? Too late to know the answer
Playing a role of a superstar I have got to think that I was what they were waiting for I have nothing to tell you now I have nothing to rely on But there was no place to go
The time has come and the show was over There's nobody left / They knew or noticed that I was just a pig. 醜い体揺らし 今もただ踊るのさ 息が絶える時迄