There's a good few characters in Star Wars that could use a bit of self-control, but this song focuses on Darth Vader and Chewbacca. lyrics My name is Chewbacca the wookiee, And I haven't pulled one single arm, From the torso of it's rightful owner, For ten weeks, though it has been hard,
I've gritted my numerous teeth and, Endured all the jibes and remarks, And I've even tried to be graceful when losing, At chess or 3D hyper-darts
Chorus Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, I hate these plastic chairs, I can't relate, These losers in their circle - weak-minded fools, But I can't do this alone,
To your kind my name is Lord Vader, But I've had more names in my time, This past week I've closed no one's wind-pipe, By flexing the power of my mind,
Nor have I used my robot fist, Those trachias remained uncrushed, I know there are those here who doubt me, Remember this group's based on trust,