Poi-E (Maori): E rere ra e taku poi porotiti Titahataha ra, whakararuraru e Porotakataka ra, poro hurihuri mai Rite tonu ki te tiwaiwaka e
Ka parepare ra, pioioi a Whakahekeheke, e kia korikori e Piki whakarunga ra, ma muinga mai a Taku poi porotiti, taku poi e!
Poi E, whakatata mai Poi E, kaua he rereke Poi E, kia piri mai ki au Poi E, e awhi mai ra Poi E, tapekatia mai.
Poi E, o taua aroha - - Poi E - paiheretia ra. POI... TAKU POI, E!
Poi E (English): Swing out rhythmically, my feelings lean out beside me, so deceptively. Swing round and down, spin towards me just like a fantail.
Swing to the side: swing to and fro zoom down, wriggle, climb up above, swarm around me my whirling emotions, my poi, Yeah!
Oh my feelings, draw near, Oh my poi, don't go astray Oh my affections, stick to me Oh my instincts, take care of me Oh my emotions, be entwined around me.
Oh poi, our love... Oh poi ...binds. Poi.... my poi, yeah!