For as long as I care to remember For a small eternity I’ve been hearing the calls And witnessing the falls Of a kind, as small as thee
For as long as I care to recall things For many a century I’ve been playing their game And taking all the blame Lonely soul, there’s none like me
Save me Tear me to pieces Leave not a trace Of what I have been
Save me And shatter my being You’ll have a friend in me Set me free!
Each star that’s fallen from the sky Didn’t I satisfy Your every wish? Each king or queen that fell from grace
They have all seen my face But sealed their own fate and Each time your touch turns life to gold Your destiny’s foretold
I answer to your desire! Is this how your kind Repays its dues, Shows their gratitude?
Save me… I’ve known the torches and the scorn But why didn’t I comply With your every wish?
I’ve known the lost and the forlorn They have all seen my face But sealed their own fate and Don’t buy into the hate and fear
Let all those poor souls hear: You’ve brought this upon yourself Is this how your kind Repays its dues
Shows their gratitude I remember finding you here I remember everything Did you make up your mind about me
Used to think so badly of me… I remember finding you here I can vividly recall If you wish this time, wish wisely We will end this together once and for all