Ever since I was a shut-in, I've played each fighting game. From Smash to Primal Instinct Too numerous to name. But I ain't seen nothing like him not since watching Justin Wong That fat, sweaty virgin Sure plays a mean Fei-Long.
He sits like a beanbag, Becomes part of his own chair. Might be playing dirty, but always playing fair. His frames above one-twenty with under 50 ping. That fat, sweaty virgin Sure plays a mean Sand King.
He's an eSports wizard He plows right through the horde. An eSports wizard, has got such a sweet keyboard
'How did he get that crit kill? I don't know! Should we ban top tier?’
He ain't got no distractions Can't hear those voices yap Keeps drawing all the best cards Makes my deck look crap Never needs more mana, Always has a plan That fat, sweaty virgin Sure plays a mean Gul’dan.
I thought I was The League Of Legends king. But I just handed My MOBA crown to him.
Even on pl_badwater He can kritz my nest His mom brings the Doritos And he just does the rest. He's gotta crazy pocket medic moves just like a blur That fat, sweaty virgin Sure plays a mean Soldier.