Yeah! Yeah! If Anna sees this video It's gonna remind her How much of a loser I used to be (such a loser!) All we have to do It's get the video removed...from YouTube You kidding me?! WHOAAA OH MY! YOU SAW MY WIENER (WHOA!) YOU SAW MY WIENER (x4) THAT IS THE BEST JOKE EVER EVER!
We're gonna be stuck here forever...ever! Is it weird to say the closer this guy gets my butthole The better it feels (ITS PRETTY WEIRD) I'm so glad that happened! That was the funniest thing I've seen all day (FOR REALZ) Hey (x3) You're the backflip microphone guy Yeah! where'd the microphone go? I think it's in that boy's ass You little bastard You little bastard I wanna be the master (bastard)
You saw my wiener (x4) (WHOA) That is the best joke ever EVER! You thought there was a portal under my desk (WHOA) You saw my wiener!
We used to do milk balloons all the time All the time This explains why the mailman stopped delivering our mail I'm so funny - milk balloons - classic Ian Awww...what a cute little whisker! (x2)