Tell my name! Do this with love! Everything Is not so bad! I can wait For better time To report The reasons.
I keep trying I keep dying Light Inside my broken heart. Goodbye, sirculs, But There's one more time Before you start to cry...
Tell My name to everything! Lie About my stolen dreams! First Try understand how much I Regret about the this
Dream... Into the land Where we... We can...
Forget How much insult we've told I Bring myself to. I'm falling in love. Any picture of my empty road Break my feelings My senses, my hope. Bring me back to live I... I'll be ready. But I can't survive Close your ears, Your eyes and try. I'll be ready. But I can't survive...
Tell my name! Do this with love! Everything Not so bad! Terminate This silly words! Leave my home! Enjoying!
[I want You know...] [I'm dying...] [For all of this years that fall us apart!]
Cry Just cry J u s t C R Y And look here! In my eyes! C R Y ! Before the death Please tell me some lie! I'll remember!
Try Just Try J u s t T R Y Yes, I will it remember! C R Y ! A N D L I E !
Flash! Breath increase the pace And run like car on trace. The skin have become So cold and wet And sticky, but twice The heart pound end... And closing the eyes...