Do làmh, a charaid, do dh 'Eilean a' chuain 'S a h-eallach cho cruaidh is trom Tha'm bàs'na chabhaig ri sgathadh 's a' buain Gun duine ni suas an call Tha'n òigridh sgoinneil a sheòlas na caoil An àite na laoich a bh'ann Gun bhoineid, gun bhròig, a' siubhal an raoin An Eilean an Fhraoich ud thall
Hì ri o rì, togaidh sinn fonn Air Eilean beag donn a' chuain Eilean beag Leòdhais dachaidh nan seòid A chumas a' chròmhrag suas Eilean nan tonn, a dh'àraich na suinn 'S a chuidich an Fhraing gu buaidh Còmhla ri chéile togaibh sinn fonn Air Eilean beag donn a' chuain
O 's làidir na bannan 'g am tharruing a nall Gu eilean beag donn Mhicleòid 'S gu stiuir mi gu h-ealamh gu cala mo long 'Nuair ruigeas mi ceann mo lò 'S ma ghreimicheas m'acair ri Carraig nan Al Bidh m'anam tighinn sàbhailt beò Mo shiùil air am pasgadh am fasgadh Chill-Sgàir Le m'athair 's mo mhàthair chòir
Hì ri o rì, togaidh sinn fonn Air Eilean beag donn a' chuain Eilean beag Leòdhais dachaidh nan seòid A chumas a' chròmhrag suas Eilean nan tonn, a dh'àraich na suinn 'S a chuidich an Fhraing gu buaidh Còmhla ri chéile togaibh sinn fonn Air Eilean beag donn a' chuain
Your help, my friend, to the Island of Lewis Since its burden is so difficult to bear Death is reaping its terrible toll With no one to make up the loss The upstanding youth who sail the straits Instead of the warriors who once were there Are without clothing or shoes, traversing the moors In the distant Island of Heather
Hi-ri-o-ri, we'll sing a song About the little brown Island in the ocean Little Island of Lewis, home of the warriors Who will keep up the struggle Island of the waves, which reared the heros And who helped the French to victory All together we'll sing a song About the little brown Island in the ocean
Oh strong are the ties that are pulling me across To the little brown island of the MacLeods And I shall quickly steer my ship to harbor When I reach the end of my days And if my anchor catches the Bird-Reef My soul will come safely alive My sails folded in the shelter of Cill-Sgair With my dear father and mother
Hi-ri-o-ri, we'll sing a song About the little brown Island in the ocean Little Island of Lewis, home of the warriors Who will keep up the struggle Island of the waves, which reared the heros And who helped the French to victory All together we'll sing a song About the little brown Island in the ocean