Ikh heyb oyf mayn hand un ikh shver In goles tsu blaybn nisht mer, Dos Land tsu bafrayen, mit blut tsu banayen Ikh heyb oyf mayn hand un ikh shver.
Vos teygn tsu betn ba England? Zi vet undz nisht gebn kayn Land. Nor mit gever oyfton veln mir mer, Dan veln mir hobn dos Land.
Eybik veln mir blaybn tsu shand, Eyb mir veln nisht hobn kayn Land! Nor eyb mir veln geyen in Zhabotinskis reyen, Dan veln mir hobn dos Land.
As long as deep within the heart The soul of Judea is turbulent and strong As long as to the East forwardly The eye towards Zion constantly is turned Then our hope, it is not dead The ancient longing will be fulfilled To return to the land, the land of our fathers The city of Jerusalem where David encamped.