Someone turns a TV on. Please stand by, then start the song. Slowly zoom out, to reveal the person who has turned the TV on. (Who could it be?) Probably not the maid... (It's dirty) seeing as how this place is all dilapidated. Evacuated. Call up that Make-Over show. They'd probably make it look like this... in a week or so... But no - you've got a dog in your kitchen, instead of a floating robotic housekeeper that feeds you. (Arr?) Not you. (Arww...) That poor handyman robot chef may be gone... but at least the security camera's Steadicam stayed functional... The box that the robot came in is on the right. (Arr?) No. Look to the right. Oh that's right. Dogs don't know left from right. (Barr?) Unless you say, "right," at least 3 or 4 times. Where'd you get that sweet blue paint? Ask Sherman Williams ...Who? 3 rocket toys. We're now missing 2. Where did they go? We can only assume... IT'S A CLUE! SOMEBODY'S GONNA NUKE THE PAST! We better tell the present about what's gonna happen AFTER that. but BEFORE that. but AFTER that. but BEFORE AFTER that. DARKNESS... DARKNESS... Vault Number Eleventy One. Open post-detonation. Blurry hand. See the Sun. This game takes place in Boston. USS Constitution (with jets) Mysterious suited man. Pack Brahmin. Super Mutants. Murder Bot. Murder Crab. Cute puppy! DEATHCLAW! Helicopter. Shopping zombies. Dude walking SPIKY BALL! Spiky baseball bat. Building with a Wizard Hat. With a zeppelin at the Paul Revere monument, and an over-shoulder Power armor helicopter shot, We know this game takes place in Boston. (still) Puppy finds the people before during after the explosion. ;( Uh. DARKNESS... DARKNESS... DARKNESS... Puppy comes back home, and his owner's post apocalyptic Iron Man suit is empty. You gotta find him! There he is. That was fast you. You gotta warn him 'bout the past! (Arr baww warrwr.) Uh... stuff in the past already happened. (Barrww.) C'mon. Lightning Fall Lightning Out 4 Lightning Out Bethesda Game Stuaodiaoaaoo