09 单身情歌(dān shēn qíng gē) - Single love song 抓不住爱情的我(zhuā bú zhù ài qíng de wǒ) Love never stays with me 总是眼睁睁看它溜走(zǒng shì yǎn zhēng zhēng kàn tā liū zǒu) I could only watch it slipping away from my life 世界上幸福的人到处有(shì jiè shàng xìng fú de rén dào chù yǒu) There are so many happy couples in the world 为何不能算我一个(wèi hé bù néng suàn wǒ yí gè) why could not count me in 为了爱孤军奋斗(wèi le ài gū jūn fèn dòu) I fight hard for love alone 早就吃够了爱情的苦(zǎo jiù chī gòu le ài qíng de kǔ) and have tasted all the bitterness 在爱中失落的人到处有(zài ài zhōng shī luò de rén dào chù yǒu) There are so many broken hearts 而我只是其中一个(ér wǒ zhǐ shì qí zhōng yí ge) and I am only one of them 爱要越挫越勇(ài yào yuè cuò yuè yǒng) Love should be encouraged by setbacks 爱要肯定执着(ài yào kěn dìng zhí zhuó) Love should be persistent 每一个单身的人得看透(měi yí ge dān shēn de rén děi kàn tòu) All the singles should understand 想爱就别怕伤痛(xiǎng ài jiù bié pà shāng tòng) If you want love, don't be afraid of getting hurt 找一个最爱的深爱的想爱的亲爱的人来告别单身(zhǎo yí gè zuì ài de shēn ài de xiǎng ài de qīn ài de rén lái gào bié dān shēn) Say goodbye to the single life by looking someone to love 一个多情的痴情的绝情的无情的人来给我伤痕(yí gè duō qíng de chī qíng de jué qíng de wú qíng de rén lái gěi wǒ shāng hén) Get hurt by someone who is passionate, devoted, heartless and cruel 孤单的人那么多(gū dān de rén nà me duō) There are so many single people 快乐的没有几个(kuài lè de méi yǒu jǐ ge) very few people feel happy 不要爱过了错过了留下了单身的我独自唱情歌(bú yào ài guò le cuò guò le liú xià le dān shēn de wǒ dú zì chàng qíng gē) Don't leave me singing the song of loneliness after missing my love 为了爱孤军奋斗(wèi le ài gū jūn fèn dòu) I fight hard for love alone 早就吃够了爱情的苦(ǎo jiù chī gòu le ài qíng de kǔ) and have tasted all the bitterness 在爱中失落的人到处有(zà