Its all messed up Its all messed up Its all messed up Even though I try its all messed up inside Its all messed up Even though I try its all messed up inside Even though I try Even though I try its all messed up inside Even though we try
I think I was 7 years old Laying on my bed so late at night Ran away from my dad just wanted to fight But I grew up in this broken home And this is all the love that I have ever known My mom was used to getting smacked around My dad he never loved and never loved himself I wish before that Id of known That God could heal my broken home
As I sleep the sleep of death God open my eyes As I sleep the sleep of pain God open my mind As I sleep the sleep of death I run to your side As I sleep the sleep of pain Then I'll never die Then I'll never die Cause I don't want to hurt anymore
My my my my kid sister she always stayed at home She couldn't go to school cause shed always break the rules And I could never figure out Why she would hang around with all those guys I knew One day shed get in trouble and shoven out One day she calls me up She says she met a scrub And he comes home ever night on the rock Figure out what you want Cause I know that hes not Give your life up to God And the bottle wont be your home My God is calling you home Girl your never alone
As I sleep the sleep of death God open my eyes As I sleep the sleep of pain God open my mind As I sleep the sleep of death I run to your side As I sleep the sleep of pain Then I'll never die Then I'll never die Cause I don't want to hurt anymore
Rush the gates don't hesitate The enemy waits To enrage and cage and enslave those That call him the one God of today God of the hour Our strong tower Break down the enemies wicked power So stay strong stand tough Never never let them know that you've had enough The moment you do the moment your done Remember son Forever look Forever look Never look back Don't ever look in my eyes Look through my eyes Look through my eyes
As I sleep the sleep of death God open my eyes As I sleep the sleep of pain God open my mind As I sleep the sleep of death I run to your side As I sleep the sleep of pain Then I'll never die Then I'll never die Cause I don't want to hurt anymore