死体旅行~Be of good cheer! [東方地霊殿~Subterranean Animism.]
飛び立った鳥 追いかけた子猫 届かない爪 役立たずの鞘
A bird takes off, and A kitten chases after it, but It’s claws don’t reach, Such matches are useless.
燃え立った羽 顧みる地底 焼け石に水 役立たずの水
Its wings burst into flame, and The depths of the earth seen looking back are Unquenchable by water, Such water is useless.
捕らわれた檻 造られた空ろ 誰が為にある 抜け出せないまま
The cage in which you’re captured, and The constructed void are For whose sake? You can’t leave.
探された鍵 望まれた自由 誰が為にある 己が為
The key that you searched for, The freedom that you wished for, are For whose sake? Your own.
あなただけの檻の中で 肥大しては満ちて行く赤闇 声を上げて気づくまでは 溶けたことさえ解らない
Inside that cage with you alone comes An expanding, filling red darkness. You raise your voice, but before anyone realizes, No one can tell anything was ever there before.
ああ ゆらゆら ゆらゆら 火焔を背負って ぐるぐる ぐるぐる 車輪を廻して
Ah~ Back and forth, back and forth I raise the conflagration Around and round, around and round I spin the wheels
どこかに手足を 落としてきたみたい そんなの構わず ついてきて
It looks like you lost Your limbs somewhere; Don’t worry about that Just come with me.
These burning flames Erase without even leaving ashes If you give up on your Memories and vestiges You’ll disappear Without leaving even a breeze You have a single destination, The ends of Hell.
火に焼べるときは 誰かが犠牲となり 沈めるには 誰かの心の懸かり
Plunged into flame, Someone becomes a sacrifice When submerging, Someone’s life is put on the line.