Intro: The Looming of Dust in the Dark (& the Illumination)
Sunlight shines On the clothes that lay on a chair A desk covered in clutter The floor covered in hair
It shines on a figure, so thin and frail It shines on his skin, so sick and pale It shines on the wall, where for so long I have stared Breaking the spell of authentic despair
As my eyes come into focus I turn to face the room The movement from the sheets creates a breeze Sweeps the dust from its place
It so quietly swarms And hangs in the air It shines in the light And makes me aware
Death is looming in here And it’s getting to you Under dust, over time It has been burying you
It now stirs up the room As it enters my sight Rising up from the dark From the surface it lies
As if hinting to me To choose day over night To leave all of this dark And seek the warmth of the light
Outside this room where my life wastes away Her priorities lie In collecting corks from bottles she plans to make into things