I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else Who I'll be tomorrow is anybody's guess.
What was thought to be the right way turned out the wrong way after all What was thought to be the right way turned out the wrong way after all What I took to be the high road Was only leading to a fall.
I used to be a preacher, with women and fame and wealth I used to be a preacher, with women'n'fame and wealth From a mighty congregation To talking to myself.
I was cleared of all the charges with money, women and my pills I was cleared of all the charges with money, women and my pills Now that I'm a brand-new man, You belong with someone else.
I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else Who I'll be tomorrow is anybody's guess -- Anybody's guess.